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INSPIRE to be the best you! 

CONNECT to like minded people!

EMPOWER yourself!

Boxability is not just a boxing program - it's a complete wellness experience designed especially for individuals with disabilities.

Our mission? To harness the POWER of martial arts and exercise in unlocking potential, breaking down barriers, and fostering empowerment.
At Boxability we envision a world where physical limitations are seen not as roadblocks, but as unique paths towards strength and self-discovery.

The benefits of this program extend beyond only just physical health and wellbeing. We provide individuals with the necessary tools and techniques designed to foster profound improvement in self-esteem, decrease stress levels, enhance self-belief, develop social skills, and encourage independence. Our services and programs are delivered in both an enjoyment focused and capacity building centred approach within a positive and team orientated environment.

We don't stop at boxing! At Boxability, we offer a well-rounded exercise program and expert general health guidance, along with rejuvenating recovery sessions. Our use of various breathing exercises and ice baths (cold water therapy) are just two examples of the tools we utilise in optimizing both physical and psychological improvement while promoting overall wellbeing.

We believe that everyone deserves access to the transformative benefits of boxing, exercise, and wellness practices. With Boxability, we’re putting those benefits in the gloves of those who need them most.
So, lace up and get ready to find your power at Boxability!
Stay tuned for more info about our programs, we would love for you to join us on this empowering journey.

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